It’s no wonder that the addition of a custom guest book can truly complement a wedding like nothing else can, and having one will greatly assist in making it unforgettable at that. But how do you actually make your wedding signature book stand out?
Well, for starters you will most likely need to distinguish your line of wedding albums from your guest books in order to truly give them their deserved place. While using an album-like guest book is often popular, why not offer something light and sleek? Take the Photo Book as one of the wedding guest book alternatives for example.
Its thinner pages can differentiate it from the album crowd, so if the bride & groom start running out of ideas for their wedding sign in book, you can always point them this way.
Its possibilities are just as various as that of the album, which will make any guest signature appear all the more important. The pages? Completely personalised – you can divide the pages up with some photos, add text in between, whatever is required.
The cover? An extraordinary amount of options. Whether it’s a simple all-fabric cover, a photo on the front, visible behind a layer of acrylic, or even an entire customised image surrounding the photobook with a matte finish, it’ll be hard to run out of ways to impress the guests as well as the couple.
Going as far as the paper itself, you can choose the exact one to suit your needs. In this case, since we’re working on making it very easy to write on, the Arctic Matte or Mohawk Eggshell paper will be your go-to option. There is also a slightly thicker version of it available if presentation is everything.
Even if the occasion calls for a tight budget, you can still make sure the same experience is being had – The Photobook Basic will allow you to personalise the guest book’s pages the same way, without the fuss of choosing from all the cover options, as it will simply allow you to design the front and back yourself.