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The Account Manager

Wednesday, August 21, 2024 - 10:23
account managers

Picture yourself trying something new for the very first time - the amount of questions and uncertainties roaming your mind. Now picture having somebody at hand who could walk you through all of it when needed. nPhoto happens to have a whole group of such people, and it’s likely that your own account manager is one of them. They can, for instance, get you acquainted with our product lineups, help you choose the most suitable product for a given situation, lend you a hand in learning how the nDesigner works, or guide you through your first order. We’ll cover more examples below.

The account manager is, of course, one of the perks of having an nPhoto account. It’s free, so give it a go!

Other registration perks are a different story - so, let’s cut to the chase. What kind of assistance can you expect from an account manager?

♡ If you don’t know how to go about placing your first order - they’ll help out!
♡ If you’re wondering which products would best suit your offer - they’ll advise you!
♡ If you’re having an issue with your order - they’ll look into it on your behalf!
♡ If you’re unsure on how to do something when ordering or designing - they’ll teach you!

Is there more? We’ve interviewed a few of our account managers and asked them to mention the kind of assistance a photographer might usually need - let’s have a look!

What kind of questions do you usually get, and how do you usually assist photographers?

Rafał Bielenda:
I deal with all kinds of questions that may arise. Information on placing an order, navigating the website, etc. I am happy to advise which product to choose or which package to create so that a client can receive what they expect. Problem solving is my area of ​​expertise!

Aldona Basista:
We help photographers choose products for every type of photography, help tailor commercial offers, offer help with ordering, and give recommendations that are proven to work.

Tomasz Kościółek:
Product information - details about our album types, sizes, materials, and customization options. Sales and offer related topics - information on our ongoing promotions, discounts, and special offers. Customisation and design - guidance on designing an album, personalisation options and client preferences. Customer relations - we schedule consultations, collect feedback, and build long-term relationships. Market trends - updates on industry trends and product ideas. Resources and learning - providing tutorials on album creation. Post-sales support - Handling claims through customer support and offering solutions.

Mike Szumski:
Photographers can reach out to me whenever they have questions about our products and services, pricing, availability or turnaround time. They may discuss any needs that they have, what they like or dislike, or their hopes, concerns and expectations. Their feedback is crucial for us to address issues and implement changes that improve our products and services.

Why do you like your job?

Rafał Bielenda:
I enjoy assisting people with any questions and requests that they may have. Whether it's providing information, sparking creativity or following up on a request. I find it rewarding to be helpful. Facing challenges and complex questions keep me engaged. I find it stimulating to find the best answer by using my knowledge and abilities. Every interaction exposes me to new perspectives.

Aldona Basista:
I like the people I work with - both photographers and co-workers. Moreover, the products that I work with are beautiful and I deeply believe in their power.

Tomasz Kościółek:
I enjoy meeting new people and creating long-term connections. Each new contact presents unique challenges that make the job intellectually stimulating. Achieving targets is rewarding and feels motivating. Every day brings something different, making the work all the more exciting. Working with others fosters a strong team spirit and helping clients succeed is gratifying. Being able to manage my own work schedule with autonomy gives me added motivation. Staying updated on new trends ensures constant growth.

Mike Szumski:
I love my work for the flexibility and independence. I can manage my own time, with each day bringing new challenges and opportunities. My role also involves travel. I can visit new places, experience different cultures and meet new people. It feels very rewarding when photographers love the products they receive and come back to me with positive feedback and gratitude.

What do you typically do during the day, in your role as an account manager?

Rafał Bielenda:
On a daily basis, my work mainly involves contacting nPhoto users. I respond to e-mails and answer or make phone calls. I also stay on the lookout for new potential clients.

Aldona Basista:
I help customers choose products and go through their first and subsequent orders. I educate, advise and take care of them.

Mike Szumski:
I find potential clients, listen to their needs, demonstrate our products and try to establish and maintain long lasting relationships. I do my best to be responsive, approachable and helpful. I want to be sure our photographers feel taken care of and assisted throughout the whole process of ordering, or whenever they need our support.

Tomasz Kościółek:
Customer service - Answering inquiries. Advising on product selection, customisation, and album design. Sales and promotions - Preparing sales offers. Informing photographers about promotions and new products. Problem solving - Resolving technical issues if they occur.  Coordinating service through our claims department.  Relationship building - Maintaining long-term customer relationships.

If you don’t know who your account manager is or how to get in touch with them, you’ll find all relevant information in the account manager tab of your customer area menu. The same spot will allow you to request an online meeting, if required.

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